Rob Buist is a specialist Gynaecologist and Obstetrician in Sydney, with a particular interest and extensive experience in the management of complicated pregnancies.
We offer our patients a wide range of services, including prenatal care, labour and delivery, and postpartum care. We are dedicated to providing you with the best possible care during your pregnancy and delivery.
The services that I offer include – but are not limited to – the following:
1. Preconception assessments and advice, including:
- optimising medical problems prior to embarking upon pregnancy.
2. All aspects of miscarriage care including the assessment and management of recurrent miscarriages.
See my website for more information about my care of women with miscarriages. I well understand the anxiety that goes with a pregnancy after even one miscarriage and I am happy to support you throughout such a time and to see you (and your baby) as often as is necessary to reassure you.
3. General uncomplicated pregnancy care.
I am happy to provide you with the full spectrum of birthing options from water births to caesareans. I am comfortable with managing a vaginal birth after a caesarean (VBAC) and – if you meet certain criteria (and twist my arm) – vaginal breech birth. From time to time (and usually at 3 am) I find myself delivering babies while I am lying on the delivery room floor so you can imagine what positions the mother might be in when giving birth! I am comfortable discussing your wishes for your birth and I can assist you with writing a birth plan. I work collaboratively with my midwifery colleagues in doing my best to optimise your birth experience without compromising safety.
4. Pregnancy care for women with complex medical problems, including:
- High blood pressure or heart problems
- Asthma
- Kidney and bladder disorders including renal transplants
- Anaemia, low platelets and thalassaemia
- Thyroid and other endocrine problems
- Liver and gastrointestinal problems including inflammatory bowel disease
- Inflammatory conditions such as Lupus and arthritis
5. Pregnancy care for women with reproductive problems, including women with:
- Fertility problems or those who have conceived with IVF or other reproductive technologies
- Recurrent miscarriages
- Cervical Incompetence (what a terrible term!)
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Insulin Resistance
- An increased Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Previous preterm births
- Previous significant pregnancy problems such as severe pre-eclampsia
- Previous difficult or traumatic births
- Previous stillbirths or neonatal (newborn) deaths
6. Pregnancy care for women with psychological or psychiatric conditions.
7. Pregnancy and birth care for women with previous caesarean sections, including:
- offering, supporting and managing Vaginal Births after Caesareans (VBACs).
8. Pregnancy and birth care for women with multiple pregnancies.
I have extensive experience in managing twin pregnancies – including those with monochorionic twins – and triplets.
9. Pregnancy and birth care for the over 40’s.
While 40 is very much the new 30 sometimes there are particular challenges for women over 40 with respect to pregnancy and childbirth. I have considerable experience at assisting you in meeting these challenges and doing my best to ensure a happy healthy outcome. (And don’t worry – you are definitely younger than your obstetrician!)
While I am capable of caring for women with very complicated pregnancies I very much enjoy looking after women with normal pregnancies and I am always thrilled to help a woman to give birth naturally (but beware – I have been known to get fathers to deliver their own children if everything is proceeding normally!). I also believe that even in the presence of significant complications it is my role to emphasise that pregnancy is always a positive, normal event.
As I now focus almost exclusively on obstetrics, I perform very little gynaecology. I believe there are a great number of highly skilled gynaecologists practicing in the Eastern Suburbs and I can refer you to them if you wish me to.